Did you know that a 16oz water bottle filled with dimes is equivalent to $100?
By hosting a Dime-namite Change Drive, you simply collect dimes and fill empty 16oz water bottles with them. Each water bottle filled with dimes sends 4 Dynamite's to patients around the world with Histiocytosis!
Dime-namite Change Drives are great for schools, clubs and any group of people simply wanting to collect loose change to help spread HOPE, JOY & LOVE to patients impacted by Histiocytosis.
By hosting a Dime-namite Change Drive, you simply collect dimes and fill empty 16oz water bottles with them. Each water bottle filled with dimes sends 4 Dynamite's to patients around the world with Histiocytosis!
Dime-namite Change Drives are great for schools, clubs and any group of people simply wanting to collect loose change to help spread HOPE, JOY & LOVE to patients impacted by Histiocytosis.